Stories Behind the Pages
Fear is like the grip of death—it can seize your mind and body, leaving you breathless and panicked. Once the enemy plants fear in your thoughts, it clamps down like a vice, squeezing the life out of your peace. Fear can manifest in anxiety, panic attacks, and a sense of being trapped. It’s a toothless demon, though, relying on intimidation rather than actual power. The more you focus on it, the larger it seems, but when you finally confront it, you realize how insignificant it truly is. Fear thrives on exaggeration, using a demonic magnifying glass to make problems appear much bigger than they are.
One day, I experienced this firsthand while walking with friends. Out of nowhere, an overwhelming wave of fear hit me. It was so intense that I could barely think straight, but no one around me noticed anything unusual. At that moment, I turned to God and prayed: “Lord, take this from me. I don’t want any part of fear. I rebuke it in Jesus’ name.” Instantly, the fear lifted, and I felt an unexplainable peace. The confusion and disorientation that followed in the demonic spiritual realm reminded me of God’s unmatched power.
Fear doesn’t always come in obvious forms. Sometimes, it’s more subtle. Imagine you’re cooking a meal for others. You know you’re a good cook, but there’s a nagging worry about whether people will enjoy your food. You work extra hard, double-checking every detail, and everything seems perfect. Then, after finishing, you step away and come back to find the fire unexpectedly turned back on. Thankfully, you catch it in time. That’s fear at work—playing on your insecurities and amplifying situations to make you second-guess yourself.
From these experiences, I’ve learned to pray over everything I do. I pray over the ingredients, the process, and the purpose, asking God to bless the outcome. Fear might try to disrupt us, but faith and prayer always bring clarity and confidence. The key to the spiritual world is to keep God the center of it all. Keep your eyes on God and that will magnify in your life. The opposite is true too.
~ Sheer Purple